Saturday, July 08, 2006

Press for Dam,Stuhltrager show, W'burg 1/7-2/12/06

--Pick in flavorwire section of Flavorpill 1/20/06

--Brooklyn Pick on 1/7/06

--Mention in Stephen Maine's article "Is Williamsburg Withering?" on 1/06

--Write up on 1/10/06

--Review in M magazine by Mary Hrbecek April 2006 issue

--Review in New York Arts magazine by Lisa Paul Streitfeld May 2006 issue

--photo of Laika at opening in Vellum magazine, Spring 2006 issue

--Review to come out in: Sculpture magazine, (D. Dominick Lombardi) summer 2006

--Interview to come out in: (with Carol Schwarzman) summer 2006

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